
Showing posts from February, 2023

Mobile Test Automation Using Appium Python

  Appium Setup In Pycharm With the following steps, you can easily step-by-step setup Appium in Pycharm 1:   Install Python Go to the link Download the latest version for windows Add Python path in a user variable 2: Install Pycharm Community Edition Go to the link “ “ Download the community edition for windows 3: Install Node JS Go to the link “ “ Download the most recommended user version for windows 4: Install Appium Desktop App Go to the link “ “ Download the latest version for windows 5: Install Appium through Command Line Open Command Line and Type  npm install -g appium Check version  npm -v 6: Install Android Studio Go to the link “ “ Download the latest version for windows Configure System variables 7: Create a Virtual Device Select Pixel d...